Illumina Connected Analytics (ICA)
You use the DRAGEN Germline Enrichment and the DRAGEN Somatic Enrichment Pipelines in ICA to analyze sequencing data of llumina FFPE DNA Prep with Exome 2.5 Enrichment libraries. The following settings are specific for this library preparation kit.
The workflow is a 2-phase process. Tumor and normal samples need to be run as individual samples for the Map/Align stage, and then Variant Calling is started from tumor and normal UMI collapsed BAM as tumor-normal pairs.
Phase 1 - Preprocessing: Map/Align
The goal of this phase is to generate UMI collapsed BAM files, and these steps are done using the DRAGEN Germline Enrichment app.
Input files
Input the fastq (or ORA) files for both the tumor and normal samples.
Although the analysis is implemented in the Germline Enrichment pipeline, both tumor and normal samples are the input data, as the needed output are the UMI-collapsed BAM files.
The reference genome to use for alignment. Reference genome files are located with the Illumina DRAGEN v10 Reference directory. The provided Resource Files support the use of hg19-alt_masked.cnv.hla.methylation_combined.rna_v4.tar.gz and hg38-alt_masked.cnv.hla.methylation_combined.rna_v4.tar.gz.
Target BED file
BED file that contains targeted regions. If no spike-in probes were included in enrichment, select the Twist_ILMN_Exome_2.5_Panel bed file that matches the reference genome selected above, stored in the Illumina Enrichment BEDs directory.
If other spike-in probes were included in enrichment, generate a BED file of the combined coverage areas (ie., Exome 2.5 Plus Panel with the custom panel), upload to ICA, and select as the target BED file. See the Resources Files for information of format requirements.
Additional Files
Select the same Target BED file selected in Step 6.
Map Align Options
Enable Map/Align—true
Enable Map/Align Output—true
Map/Align Output—bam
Enable Duplicate Marking—false
Variant Calling Options
Enable Small Variant Caller—false
Enable CNV calling—false
Enable SV calling—false
Variant Annotation Options
Enable Variant Annotation—false
Additional Options
Additional DRAGEN Args—Paste the following commands into the box, making sure to update the name of the umi-metrics-interval-file
--enable-umi true -umi-library-type nonrandom-duplex --umi-metrics-interval-file <name_of_file_in_Additional_Files> --umi-min-supporting-reads 1 --umi-start-mask-length 1 --umi-end-mask-length 3 --qc-coverage-ignore-overlaps true
Not Double-Counting Mates provides a more realistic overview of coverage, as reported in the Mean Region Coverage within the Coverage section of DRAGEN Reports.
Phase 2: Variant Calling
The goal of this phase is perform variant calling, CNV calling, and, if interested, certain biomarkers. The inputs are UMI collapsed BAM from Phase 1.
Input Files
Input files
Enter the input bam for a tumor-normal pair. Each tumor-normal sample pair requires a different run of the pipeline. Because analysis is being done on a tumor-normal pair, realignment needs to be turned off so both the Tumor and Normal BAM Index (.bai) files need be selected along with the Tumor and Normal BAM files.
Select the same reference genome used above for alignment.
Target BED file
Select the same target bed file used above for alignment.
Systematic Noise BED File
Select the systematic noise file that matches the Reference genome used for alignment. See the Resource Files for information on pre-built and generating your own file.
CNV Panel of Normals
Select the files to comprise the target.counts baseline files. Files must be of the same type (eg, all .target.counts or all .target.counts.gc-corrected.). Select those that match the Reference genome selected above and has the desired handling of GC correction. See the Resource Files for information on pre-built target.count files.
General Options
Sample Sex—Choose none from the drop-down list
Map Align Options
Enable Map/Align—false
Enable Map/Align Output—false
Enable Duplicate Marking—false
Variant Calling Options
Enable Small Variant Caller—true
Leave Emit Ref Confidence and VCF File Output blank
Enable CNV calling—true
CNV Use Somatic VC BAF—true
Enable SV calling—false
Targeted Callers
If desired, set Enable Tumor Mutational Burden—true. Note that this requires variant annotation to be enabled.
UMI Options
Enable UMI—false
UMI Library Type—leave blank
UMI Aware Variant Calling—Select Low depth from the drop-down list
Minimum Supporting UMI Reads—remove
Variant Annotation Options
This must be enabled if calculating TMB and adding Germline tagging.
Enable Variant Annotation—true
Variant Annotation Assembly—reference corresponding to the genome used for variant calling
Advanced Options
Additional DRAGEN Args—Paste the following text in the box
--vc-sq-call-threshold 3 --vc-sq-filter-threshold 15
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