Troubleshooting the analysis
Potential changes to the analysis settings to improve performance when analyzing Illumina FFPE DNA Prep with Exome 2.5 Enrichment.
TMB value lower than expected?
Variants that do not meet the minimum depth (DP) threshold are excluded from the TMB calculation. The --vc-callability-tumor-thresh
command line option specifies the threshold value. The default value is 50, and this value assumes at least 100x raw coverage. If raw coverage is lower than 100x and and tumor purity >= 80%, the threshold value can be decreased to 30, by specifying
--vc-callability-tumor-thresh 30
as an additional argument.
Too many or too fewer PASSing somatic variants?
Somatic variants with a quality score less than the threshold value [0..30] are marked as filtered in the output vcf. The --vc-sq-filter-threshold
command line option specifies the threshold value. The default value for Tumor/Normal mode is 17.5. We observed that with this library preparation kit, the threshold needed to be lowered slightly to 15 to achieve high sensitivity. Raise this value to improve specificity at the cost of sensitivity, or lower it to improve sensitivity at the cost of specificity.
Why do some qc-coverage metrics report different values between command line and BSSH?
There are some rare instances where DRAGEN and BSSH apps have different default settings that might lead to slight difference in coverage calculations. For instance, the BSSH Enrichment App outputs a Aggregate Summary Metrics file that include all reads with MAPQ>=0 in the coverage calculations, while in DRAGEN command-line, MAPQ=0 reads are filtered. To include MAPQ=0 reads in DRAGEN command-line coverage, the flag --qc-coverage-filters-1 “mapq<0” can be added to the preprocessing recipe.
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